jeudi 6 février 2025

Illustrated ebooks summary

A bit of self-promotion for my creations !, this time on my illustrated Ebooks, which I have recently improved quite a bit (even if nothing is perfect on earth!, and I do everything myself, from the writings and illustrations or photos to the layout and corrections), with even more content texts and original personal illustrations and travel photos, diagrams, etc.

My illustrated books or booklets are mixes halfway between practical guides, philosophical, artistic or activist essays, with rather libertarian eco-friendly values. Always on my favorite subjects that I have practiced or continue to practice: nature and its protection, nature travel or more respectful of the planet, wandering under sail, bicycle trips, mini illustrated guides, the lifestyles of first peoples, minimalism, libertarian vision and actions of life, martial arts, meditation and spirituality without dogma, and so on. In total 5 ebooks currently available, and I am working on a 6th which will focus more on eco anarchy, activism, manifesto or the defense of nature and freedom in general, so not really the same values ​​as the current capitalist dictatorship!

The ebooks available:

- "The ways of nature" (lifestyles or travel back to nature)

- "The vagabond sail" (bohemian sailing and wandering at sea)

- "The way of meditation" (meditation, non-dogmatic universal vision inspired by the main spiritual paths and others more iconoclastic)

- "A vagabond in Japan" (Illustrated story and mini guide of my experiences of life and travel in Japan for about 10 years)

- "En roues libres" (techniques of traveling by bike, hitchhiking, walking and on a small budget, advice and practical knowledge)

Each one is on a specific or more global subject. Around 9.90 euros for the ebook version.

Available in French and English versions, on Amazon (.fr and .com), or directly by email in PDF file version for those who prefer to boycott Amazon for understandable ethical

As I am alone in promoting and creating, if some people want to share on their page, broadcast or other, that's nice, thanks in advance! Otherwise I'll manage.

And of course if you are interested in some of the topics, don't hesitate to click!




Original illustrations on Print-on-demand (Redbubble)

And for my creations, illustrations or logos available in print on demand (printing on demand on various supports, t-shirts, bags, caps, and co), it's here among others, or simply by contacting me directly if you need an illustration, a personalized logo or other variation. Do not hesitate to share if the subjects or creations interest you,

Thanks ! 

Visitez la boutique de KiowaArts et faites le plein de super produits imprimés de ses créations !


In french : 

Et pour mes créations, illustrations ou logos dispo en print on demand ( impression à la demande sur divers supports, tee-shirts,  sacs, caps, and co ),  c'est ici entre autres , ou simplement en me contactant directement vous avez besoin d'une illustration,  d'un logo personnalisé ou autre variante.
N'hésitez pas à partager si les sujets ou créations vous intéresse,
Thanks, Arigato !


dimanche 12 janvier 2025

5 guides and illustrated ebooks, now available

 Eventually,  i have now 5 personal illustrated books , guides /or ebooks versions,  both in french and english version. 

All writings and illustrations by myself (no AI or fake stuff ;)),  and improved, with more adds recently. Not perfect, i don't have helps , but all on themes that i know and practiced, in my way . (the Epub amazon format,  is not my preference /choice,  and my own original PDF versions, available as simple files sent by email or other ways,  are more smooth and clear in my opinion, because i made it my way).

All at the same price, 9,90 euros,

Main themes and titles : 

"The ways of nature" :

"Les voies de la nature:

"The wandering sail":

"La voile vagabonde" :

"The path of meditation" :

"La voie de la méditation" :

"A vagabond in japan" :

"Un vagabond au japon":

"Freewheeling" :

"En roues libres" :

If you are interested in some of them, check the links, or share if you like, thanks!


Freewheeling / En roues libres. Libre /ebook illustré, vagabondages et voyages à vélo

 Salut à tous,

 Mon nouveau livre et guide / ebook illustré sur le thème du "Voyage à vélo et vagabondages en liberté" est enfin publié. 

Basé sur mes propres expériences et connaissances du voyage à vélo et des vagabondages divers, le nomadisme,  les modes de vie de retour à la nature ou alternatifs,  il regroupe mes propres écrits, illustrés de mes aquarelles originales, illustrations et croquis de voyage, et de nombreuses photos sur ma route et périples .

Il synthétise plusieurs domaines, à la fois manuel technique, philosophique,  récit , réflexions,  ou conseils pratiques pour ceux qui veulent se lancer dans les modes de voyage plus minimalistes, écologiques,  et en dehors des autoroutes toutes tracés. 

- 125 pages, 

- Textes,

- 21 illustrations, aquarelles originales,

- 43 photographies de l'auteur.

9,90 euros, 

Disponible en version française et anglaise,  pour l'instant sur Amazon,  ou en fichier personnalisé pdf, si vous souhaitez le recevoir directement par email ou autre moyen.

Version française :

Version anglaise :

N'hésitez pas à me contacter pour toute question ou demande !

Ou partager si vous aimez, 


Bonne route à tous,


Hello everyone,
My new illustrated book and guide / ebook on the theme of "Bike travel and wandering in freedom" is finally published.
Based on my own experiences and knowledge of bike travel and various wanderings, nomadism, back-to-nature or alternative lifestyles, it brings together my own writings, illustrated with my original watercolors, illustrations and travel sketches, and many photos on my route and journeys.
It synthesizes several areas, both technical manual, philosophical, story, reflections, or advices for those who want to embark on more minimalist, ecological travel modes, and off the beaten track highways.

- 125 pages,
- Texts,
- 21 illustrations, original watercolors,
- 43 photographs by the author.
9.90 euros,

Available in French and English, for now on Amazon, or in a personalized pdf file, if you wish to receive it directly by email or other means.

French version:
English version:

Do not hesitate to contact me for any questions or requests!
Or share it if you like, 
Thanks !

Good road to all,

Illustrated ebooks summary

A bit of self-promotion for my creations !, this time on my illustrated Ebooks, which I have recently improved quite a bit (even if nothing ...